We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Today was a day for doctor visits. We left home at 7:40 this morning.
Nick drove us to the Fannin South Park and Ride.
We paid three dollars for all day parking and then bought 5 tickets for the Metro which came to $6.25 for a total of $9.25 which is cheaper than the valet at the clinical building. You have to walk a little but it is fun and the kiddos always enjoy it. Isaiah loves the 'train with the dumbbell' (that's dumbbell not dumb bell)
We arrived at the West Tower took the elevator up to the third floor walked across the sky bridge to get to the other elevator to take us up to the 11th floor. Barely signed our name and they called us back. I met a lady today whose 9 year old son was born with only one kidney and where the other kidney should have been was just a huge glob of cysts. They got a great check up and do not go back for 2 years:) As we suspected Nicks blood pressures are running high again so his medication was increased. We are at 15mg and can go up to 40mg before we have to add another medication. It is also time to take a look at the 'possible aneurysm' again. They are going to try and do something less invasive this time around but we will just have to wait and see. After seeing the doctor we went back down to the 3rd floor for lab work. Then reversed all the previous steps. We stopped in Pearland and ate at Subway, then headed back to Lake Jackson for my appointment. My blood pressures are also running high and I too got an increase on my medications. My iron is down from 78 to 58. This is still in the normal range but if it continues to drop we may have to look at other treatments options:( It was POURING rain in Lake Jackson!!! Of course when we got home the was no evidence of even a drop. Oh well, our time will come. All in all we had a good day and no terrible news. Nick's doctor said 'if anything drastic is going to happen these are the years when is normally does'. Our family seems to never fall into the 'normal' range so maybe this won't be the exception.

^A top reason we are thankful to be able to
recieve care at Texas Children's!

^Nick and Isaiah waitng for the doctor.

^ This is what they do while waiting.

^This car was at the Fannin South lot when we returned.
I wonder if they subscribe or pick one up daily?
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