We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Today was Nick's appointment to see the kidney doctor. We left our house around 8:10 this morning. It was cold, rainy, and traffic was terrible. Due to the size of our van we must valet park when we arrive. ($13) The clinics were all backed up so the process went VERY slow. Upon check in Nick's blood pressure was 161/94 NOT GOOD!!! So the only news for this visit is an increase in blood pressure meds. We called downstairs in advance to have the van ready. When we got downstairs I could not find my debit card ANYWHERE!!! (Now I rarely ever carry any cash I pay for everything with debit) Today was no exception....NO CASH!! I borrowed money from Nick to pay for the parking (Thankfully he carries cash) Nick continued to search for my debit card while I frantically tried to remember where I left the silly card. Then it came to me....in my coat pocket. YIPPIE!!!!! The weather was nice and sunny all the way home. We stopped at Bucees in Angleton and got drinks and a snack. As we came into Freeport I decided to go ahead and go by the bank to get the money to pay Nick back. Then.....right in front of the bank it happened. I got pulled over by a Freeport Police Officer. Why is he stopping me. Maybe to give me a good driving award?? I checked all the children to make sure they had not unbuckled. (They had not) Then why was he pulling me over??!!?? Well....I was not speeding that is for sure, I always wear my seat belt, I most always signal.....what could it be??? Truth is I could not figure it out. But...would soon learn. My inspection sticker expired in December and we had NO clue. The officer was very polite and did not issue a citation. As we made our way into the bank parking lot with the police car behind us I told Nick...now you just watch and everyone we know will drive by.....and sure enough HELLO OLIVIA!!!! (now I know plenty of people other than Olivia but she was the one we saw go past as we sat helpless in the bank parking lot. That was my day in a nutshell. We arrived home around 2:30 this afternoon.

1 comment:

TO BECOME said...

Oooh, I sure wish I would have come by. I would have laughed, honest I would have. Then tomorrow I would probably have got pulled over. So I guess I am glad that I didn't see it all. But I am still laughing.

I am glad that you found your debit card and that Nick is doing if not good, he will be. connie