We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Friday, November 7, 2008


Today has been quite hectic. I am finally all packed and ready to go. All the guys are at the football game (except for Isaiah). Victoria went to play with Little Homer, so it is just me and Isaiah. We are planning to leave at 4am in the morning. It is only the children and I that are leaving tomorrow. My mom will drive up on the 15th. Then we will follow each other home on the 21st. Two full weeks!!!! My wonderful husband said we could go a week early to have more time to spend with lots of family. We have not been home in 4 years. Since Jaime and I are driving we are taking the more scenic route. We will travel through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and then Kentucky. It should take us about the same amount of time as our normal route which is around 20-21 hours. The weather is predicted to be COLD. You can check if you want, the zip code is 42501. Victoria's birthday is Tuesday I am sure she will want her Daddy that day so say an extra prayer for her if you happen to think about it. Well that is it for now. I will see you all in a couple of weeks.`

1 comment:

TO BECOME said...

Dear Amy, you all be careful and enjoy your family. Tell Bro. Jessie not to get loney, he can come over and visit with Jim anytime. Tell Victoria, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR ME, I got her birthday gift today and planned to give it to her on Sunday. I guess when she gets home will be soon enough. Take care and God bless you all. Mrs. Connie