We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Friday, June 27, 2008

Texas Heat

Anyone for a nice Cold glass of fresh squeezed lemonade to quench the heat?
If so let me know and I'll tell you where you can get one in a pretty glass like this.
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kim said...


TO BECOME said...

After milk that is my favorite drink. My Mother used to make it for us kids all summer long. It was such a treat. Yours looks especially delicious. Yummy. connie

Amy said...

This is at Asiel's, Kim. Remember where they found the Mammouth a while back. Well, now there is a resteraunt there and a scuba diving place. It is actually the same place as The Soda Shop just a new name. Supposedly Aseil's is owned by Vernor who claims to be a christian. When we went there was NOOOOO music at all it was VERY quiet. We sat on reupolstered church pews. But....on the outside of the building is a huge sign informing customers that they have applied for their permit to sell alcohol. I knew it was to good to be true. The inside of the place is quite nice. It is to bad though I mean him claiming to be christian and all.