We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Monday, September 27, 2010

Longings for times gone by

Today I have had an abundance of memories fly by and it has caused me to long.
To long for days gone by.........

To have just one memory of my parents together as I was a child (I have none)

To have an older brother (I've always thought that would have been great)

To drive down and then up the 'huge' hill after Maranatha Baptist Church before you get to Ceder Grove

To run through the old barn and smell.....just smell

To sit on the back of a setter and plant tobacco

To see and smell that tobacco hanging in that barn

To see my granny sitting on the front porch drinking a Tab (I want one of those chairs SOOO bad)

To lie on the floor while my papaw watches The Price is Right, Dukes of Hazard or WWF

To ride to the store with that papaw and he will buy me a box of Fruit Loops

To go in granny's bedroom, in the top drawer and get the hymnal that she kept in there and sing with her

To go to 'the cabin' for Memorial Day/Birthday Party

To stay up all night in an old VW van and eat Atomic Fireballs with my cousin

To play and endless game of Monopoly and drink Mountain Dew with that same cousin

To ride dune buggies the the creek beds

To see the train go buy filled with coal

To sit on top of that old gas heat stove in papaw's living room

To see that mantel with the razor strap hanging there

To walk down the worn path from the front porch to the basement (the basement was scary to me but the path was really neat) down on South Main

To pick apples off that apple tree

To smell the motor oil  in my uncle's garage and make him grape kool-aid

To eat frog legs with my step-mother's mom

To slip through the electric fence and spend hours wandering through the trees

To open the door to the wood room (which was just off of my room) one more time

To taste the cucumbers that my uncle's mom made

To eat a ham and cheese sandwich with a green onion at my aunt's house

To stand in front of her window unit and smell the air

To sit in that little seat in the Magnolia tree in her front yard

To gather fresh vegetables out of the various gardens (just about everybody had one) one aunt even grew strawberries and another one grew grapes

To taste my granny's chicken and dumplins

To taste my other granny's fried tators

It's amazing how as time passes you long for the things that as a child you thought of as a chore or a burden.

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