We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I bought a small 'hillbilly' dictionary yesterday at my favorite thift store. Here are just a few of the words with their 'correct' meanings.

Aholt-What you got when you've got your hands on somethin'. (Grab aholt of somethin' and jist hang in there.)

Aig-Chickens lays hen-aigs.

Druthers- Somethin' you say 'cause it's shorter than sayin' "if I had my choosin' about it". (I'd druther have water melon than grits.)

Echo- That's where you holler at the hill and the hill hollers back at you.

Hissun- When it belongs to him it's hissun.

Plum- You say plum instedof saying "all the way". (He's plum gone.)

Yahoo- What they call somebody that's actin' smart aleckey.

You'ns- Same thing as y'all cept that people that say it is from further back in the hills. (You'ns live up in the holler?)

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