We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Unexpected Blessings

I have been blessed in ways I never dreamed.....

I have a full day a testing scheduled for today.
This brought up an issue of whether or not to make our three smaller
children wait in the waiting room for hours on end.
A very special young lady has agreed to come to our house and sit with them.
(Although for some reason I don't think there will be much sitting being done)

Then, the doorbell rang....... it was my dear neighbor on the corner.
Doris, knowing that I have not been feeling well, would be gone most of the day and that a young lady was coming to watch the kiddos, brought us homemade beef soup with garlic bread
and two pies!! Chocolate and Apple!!!
She has been a great blessing to our family in many ways
and is always willing to help.

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Grammie Kim said...

Good! Glad God supplied needs AND more...will be waiting to hear about your testing.

TO BECOME said...

Thank the Lord for unexpected blessings. I remember once you did almost the same thing for me. I will never forget. connie

TO BECOME said...

Dear Amy, sure did miss you today. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you. We prayed for you lots today. God bless!!! connie