We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


God gives talents to everyone as He sees fit. He decides who gets what and how much they get.Now, how these talents are given may not seem fair to those of us who feel less gifted in some respects or completely forgotten in others. But this distribution of talents, whatever the measure, is in exact accordance with God's eternal plan for each of us. We must take care in how we esteem each other's talents, and be mindful to not elevate one gift over the other. I've often looked at people and coveted their talents. Or I've coveted the ease with which the seem to acquire and wield them. How God uses their talents-and blesses them- oftentimes far exceeds what He's done in my own life. And I have struggled with jealousy, and I've wondered why them , and not me? At those times I try and remember that I have not walked that person's road. It may be well that I haven't endure what they have had to, and perhaps that's the reason they shine with such strength. They have been through the fire, so to speak, where I have gone untouched by the flame. Something else to remember is that I am not competing with that person. God has simply gifted us for different purposes. While I may desire another person's giftedness, I do not desire the shaping they have undergone from the Potter's hand. And I hardly envy the countless hours spent upon the Potter's wheel which is what may very well be what allows them to possess such giftedness in the first place. When we endure hardship and pain and life doesn't turn out like we thought it should, what do we do? Do we blame God? Think Him cruel and unfair? Let us not fall into this trap put before us by the wicked one himself but, let us always look to God for His direction.

1 comment:

His Wife and Their Mommy said...

a very good post. I struggle with envy and jealousy. it is something I deal with on a daily basis. but by God's grace I will over come it one day..