We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snowball fight

We had a little snowball fight in the parking lot after church.
Here are a few of the guilty parties. It was FUN!!
Add that to the unforgettable memories.
Remember the time we had a snaowball fight in the church parking lot?
Where was that? Freeport, Texas. Excuse me, did you say Texas?
Yep, I said Texas!

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Anonymous said...

That was TOOOO fun! I wish it would snow again!
Lydia Rose~

TO BECOME said...

That looks like lots of fun. I just wrote Nick a comment about it. Hope you all did make some memories and be sure and remember that Bro.Jim and I were not able to be there but we were wishing we were. connie

Anonymous said...

Real evidence of snow! How much fun for you all...it snowed quite a bit here today, and we are happy because it means warmer temperatures!

Deborah said...

Hi Amy! Thanks for stopping by my blog....sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. I've actually visited before, but I guess I didn't comment. Yes, I'm Justin's mom!
Looks like everyone had fun with the snow. I'd post pictures of our snow, but it's so cold right now I'd proabaly get frost bite! I'm trying to avoid going outside as much as possible these days. Right now, my husband and Justin are at my daughter's house doing plumbling...their pipes froze and burst during the night, causing a flood! Yes, the joys of winter in Manitoba! Be thankful for having just enough snow to have a snowball fight!
By the way, our pastor also has PKD.

TO BECOME said...

Dear Amy, missed you tonight at church. Hope you are feeling better. So sorry you aren't feeling well. Looking forward to seeing you soon. If I can be of help just give me a call, I am here. connie