We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Monday, August 31, 2009


The beginnings of new friendships and memories:)
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School preperation
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My oldest and youngest.
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Friday Night Lights

We went to the Brazosport football game this past Friday night.
I have not had sooo much fun in a great while.
The game was 'called' due to lightening and rain, but we didn't mind.
We got soaked through and through and went back to the
Cornelio's home for pizza and chicken kickers.

^ Bleacher evacuation due to lightening.^
No rain ........................................YET!!!

^Mess Mess enjoying the game.^

^OK, we have rain now!^

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Utter Goofiness

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Post #300

Become increasingly aware of all the magnificent things in your life. Feel gratitude toward all the people who have given so much through their work and inventions so that you can have a much easier life.

Did you take a shower this morning?
Did you use electricity?
How did you get to work? By car, train, bus, or did you walk in your shoes?
Did you pick up coffee or listen to the radio or make a call on your cell phone or take an elevator?

You use so many inventions every day of your life. Are you taking them for granted or are you being grateful for them?

We are so blessed-really we are.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Positions and Faces

Isaiah is a very happy boy. He is just like Christian
and can fall asleep just about anywhere:)
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If you have a two year old in your house and can
not find your newspaper....check the washing machine.
You just never know!!!!
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Two of the books I purchased @ the HomeSchool Store.
Both are excellent reads.
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Whatever feelings you have within you are attracting your tomorrow.

Worry attracts more worry.

Anxiety attracts more anxiety.

Unhappiness attracts more unhappiness.

Dissatisfaction attracts more dissatisfaction.


Joy attracts more joy.

Happiness attracts more happiness.

Peace attracts more peace.

Gratitude attracts more gratitude.

Kindness attracts more kindness.

Love attracts more love.

Your job is an inside one.

To change your world, all you have to do is change the way you feel inside.

How easy is that?

Monday, August 24, 2009


Remember these?? Sure hope there
is no need for them this year:)
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I am a firm believer that all our prayers are answered. Sometimes we tend to think if God doesn't give us a 'yes' answer then it was an unanswered prayed. What we fail to realize is that God is allowed to give us a 'no' answer, and when is does it is the best thing for us.

My blood pressures are going hair wire. I was taken off one medication because it was making me exhausted. (I mean sleep for three days straight exhausted) I then started a new medication that almost put me in cardiac arrest. I am now trying something different. Oh, how I pray this one works. Having hair wire blood pressures is extremely hard on the kidneys, and I have decided that I want mine to last as long as possible:)

My husband has his sleep study tomorrow night. Still no results from the MRI. Please continue to pray all goes well.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's that time again

Please join us for our Houston Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, September 9, 20096:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Spring Branch Medical Center Cafeteria 8850
Long Point Road Houston, TX 77055

Phone Number: (713) 467-6555

Please join us for our next Chapter meeting. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Maher Bishara, an internist/nephrologist. He will be speaking on the topic “Knowing Your Numbers.” What do our lab numbers mean? What should we be striving for? What things can we change, and what we can’t.

We will also discuss the updates on the 2009 Houston Walk for PKD. The Houston Walk is scheduled for Saturday, October 24th at UH Lynn Eusan Park at 8:00 a.m.

This meeting will not only interesting but also very informational!
We hope to see you there.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


This past weekend. We had a great time.
Lots of food, good company, happy kids.
Life is great and gettin better!!!!
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It has been a busy week already. My dh took the day off Monday due to illness and saw the dr.
He went for blood work this morning and has an MRI scheduled this afternoon. Also waiting for an appointment to do a sleep study. I spent the day with a friend yesterday. Lois and I went to Houston to buy HomeSchool books. We met up with a mutual friend there. Then we had dinner @ The Olive Garden and dessert @ The Marble Slab Creamery. YUMMMY!!! A young couple stopped by last night to tell us they loved us :)
We are looking forward to seeing where God takes us.