We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The day turned out good for the most part. We left our house @ 9:15 in the morning. It never did rain on us and I had some nice 'alone' time with my in-laws. The children were fine with the exception of Isaiah falling off the piano bench and onto the hard wood floor. My husband came home for lunch to see about them. The MRI tech kept questioning us as to whether or not dad had any metal in his head. (which he does not or at least he should not). Well, according to the latest imaging there is definately a metal object in dad's head. I don't know exactly what all this means. The tech said that apparently something was left in during the 2003 operation and is just now showing up. I personally find that very hard to believe. Dad has had probably 8 or more scans since the operation and nothing has ever been found. Please pray that is just a fluke or someting and there is NO metal present. Dad is weak and probably would not survive an operation to have to remove the object. I arrived home yesterday afternoon aound 4:45. Loaded up my kids (who had been home INSIDE all day) and we went to the park. On our way we stopped and picked up Lil Homer and he joined us. After we finished at the park we stopped at Mc Donald's for an ice cream cone and the kids played for awhile. According to Mapquest we traveled 177.83 miles.

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