We will all live forever....in Heaven or Hell

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tropical Storm Edouard

OK so it appears a T.S. has his sights set for us. What are we doing? No we are not leaving but we are getting prepared and by that I mean.....we went to CVS and emptied Nick's memory card so we can take lots of pictures!!!! Actually we bought a few bags of ice, two cases of bottled water, and extra juice for Isaiah. I will fill the tub and washer later so that we have that water as well if we need it. Oh yeah I returned my library items.


Anonymous said...

Our prayers go out to all of you. Kiss buggie for me. Please... We are staying put too!!

TO BECOME said...

It looks like God is going to bless us with not too much if any from the storm.I am so thankful. I would have hated to see any of you or our other church family in any kind of danger from the storm. connie